National Car Wraps Brand media kit

Everything you need to know to write about National Car Wraps in your news or marketing communications.


The National Car Wraps logo features a van with a circular, moving flourish, symbolizing the power of wrapping for your brand: marketing your company while in your fleet is in motion.

To download, right-click (or control-click on a Mac) on the desired logo image and choose ‘Save image as…’ from the drop-down menu to save it to your device.

The logos will be downloaded as SVG files.

Logos and icons are property of Technology Management Association, Inc. (owner of National Car Wraps). Technology Management Association, Inc. retains all rights.

Brand colors

Please use our exact colors, as shown below, to maintain consistency in brand representation.


Primary accent: Pair with dark elements


Primary accent: Pair with dark elements


Primary accent: Pair with dark elements


Primary accent: Pair with dark elements


Primary accent: Pair with dark elements


Primary accent: Pair with dark elements


Primary accent: Pair with dark elements


Primary accent: Pair with dark elements

Brand fonts


Regular text

  • Font name: Poppins
  • Font weight: regular (400)

Brand spelling

✅ National Car Wraps (Capitalization of all words, as per the official brand name)

✅ nationalcarwraps (All lowercase is acceptable)

✅ NATIONALCARWRAPS (All caps is acceptable)

❌ National Car Wrap (removing the ‘s’ in ‘Wraps’ is not allowed)

❌ Nationalcarwraps (Incorrect capitalization)